Friday, January 21, 2022

Divine Interruption = The Rest of the Story


CREATE in me a clean heart, Oh God. And RENEW a steadfast spirit within me.”

~Psalm 51:10


Renew: Resume (an activity) after an interruption, Re-establish relationship, Give fresh life or strength to; Revive


Last week, we unpacked the beginning of this verse together – the beautiful gift God offers to create a NEW heart each and every day. As I ended last week’s post, I shared a glimpse into this week. The second part of this verse; the RENEWAL.

As I shared last week, the second part of the verse holds so much relevance to me, I wanted to dedicate an entire Blog post to it. As I researched and read the definition of the word Renew, it took my breath away. Scripture has a way of doing that. Sometimes, a struggle is so fresh that when a verse relates this closely, it brings to surface many emotions. If the circumstance is a hard one, it stings a little. If we are moving into more of a healing season, the verse acts as a salve to our wounded hearts, bringing fresh hope. This is where I find myself on this one.

Interruptions…as a trendy quote from a few years ago so clearly says, “Ain’t nobody got time for this!” I don’t know about you, but I do not particularly enjoy interruption. I prefer my nicely planned out schedule (predictable and comfortable) to work out exactly as I have it detailed in my cute planner; complete with fun stickers and quotes. I was once voted the most likely to be robbed at a bank I worked for, because of my predictability and routine nature! How ironic that God would choose to partner me with a minister for my soul mate, and a spontaneous soul. Just when I am settling into a little normal, up we go- following God into a new calling, a new place and new home. It has been a part of our story for the past 27 years of marriage, and a part of my life story as a preacher’s kid. I remember making a very bold statement to my Dad as a young pre-teen. “One thing I know for sure, when I grow up I will NEVER marry a preacher. I am going to live a normal life.” And God smiled really big at the sound of those words.

Why on earth would God place me smack into a life of change and unpredictability, when all my heart really wants is the normal, routine and expected? Why does God invite each of us to embrace interruption and trust His plan, even when it is more than we can possibly fathom? For me, it is because God is ever teaching me the gift and lesson of His all-sufficient Grace. (2 Corinthians 12:9). My life verse. In my weakest moments, God’s grace is the all sufficient source of strength I find I cannot possibly live without.

Our most recent life interruption came in the form of health and sickness. The call to leave our 5 ½ year church plant and life I honestly thought would be forever left me a little puzzled. After our move back home to Arkansas, I found myself confused and to be truthful, lost. Navigating the loss of a Church we watched literally sprout from a seed, struggling with the ache of hard goodbyes, carrying the difficulty of helping our four children (all at very different seasons in life) adjust to a move over state lines, one of which was a high school senior. The struggle to make sense of the sudden life change all the while knowing in my heart we made the right decision to help bring health and life back to my Mom, who had suffered a completely unexpected stroke. She too was struggling to find answers to her own questions of why.

This interruption was not an easy one, for any of us. When we were first faced with the decision to move back home, I was right in the middle of a Bible Study written by Teresa Swanstrom, “Beautifully Interrupted: When God Holds the Pen that Writes Your Story”.

Isn’t God’s timing stunning? I randomly discovered this study, having no earthly idea why it appealed to me so much. Coincidence? I do not think so.

I knew in my heart, this unexpected change was my own interruption, although in the nitty gritty of the details, it did not necessarily feel beautiful. As a daughter of the King, I had to remind myself, Trust what you KNOW, not what you FEEL. On the hardest days. Days with the most questions. Days with the most tears and anger over the loss of relationships and even my worst fear of all, letting people down. On those days, God held my head to His chest and reminded me; our stories do not end with an interruption. The interruption is the doorway to the next step in the journey God has for us.

It has now been 1 year and 2 months since our move. In that year, I have spent much time in prayer, in the quiet, in worship. Just being with Jesus. Remember our definition of renew? I could not find a better definition for my story this past year. I have spent much time re-establishing my purest relationship with Jesus, after 5 years of Church planting and ministry. I have experienced Revival – fresh life and strength in my soul. Now, my resume of activity looks much different, carefully thought out and prayed over. I am trusting God with the new activity He brings into my life. Lately, I have spent a great deal of time pouring into my children’s spiritual walk and sweet friends God has brought into my life, one by one. I have also nearly completed my certification as a Christian Life Coach and I am working on my Mental Health Coach Certification. I want to be intentional and recognize the new opportunity God places in front of me. Above all, I have hope. I am learning, after the interruption comes the new life, the new blessing and the new opportunity. I am reminded, the rest of our stories follow the interruption.

Maybe your interruption looks completely different than mine. Our stories need not look the same to connect or understand one another. Your interruption may be job related, family related or health related. It could include a relationship ending, or beginning. I do not believe God led you to read this today on accident. Maybe, for the very life of you, you need a reminder at this moment that God alone WILL renew a steadfast spirit within you again. You need to know, there is hope to resume again after an interruption. Your resume might look completely different than your life before the interruption. And, sweet friend, that is ok. Just dare to raise your head. Stand up. Take hold of Jesus hand today and lean on His all sufficient Grace to give you the strength to step into the rest of your story.


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