Friday, April 22, 2022

Steady My Heart


A heart out of rhythm can be a bit scary. We are moving along, and suddenly, we know something isn’t quite right. I am thankful for medical wisdom to help guide us in the right medical steps to bring our hearts back into rhythm and maintain the rhythm needed to pump life and breath into our physical bodies.

Recently, this physical wake- up call prompted me to take careful notice of the spiritual condition of the heart. We become focused on the day to day to do’s, overstretched in commitments, and sometimes preoccupied with distractions. We notice something doesn’t feel quite right. Our rhythm is off, it seems. But we press on. Until suddenly, we can’t go on. We struggle to catch our breath. We are unable to deny the fact that something is not right. We are not ok, and we know it is time for some changes. In our pause, we recap the days, weeks and months leading up to this moment. Were there warning signs? Absolutely. Did we listen? Maybe not as soon as we should have.

How do we avoid potentially fatal spiritual heart failure? First, we must put on our spiritual heart monitor. What is this monitor? God knew far in advance, we would need a guide to monitor the conditions of our heart. He gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit. When we listen and invite His guidance, He carefully sends warning signals when things are not quite right within. God speaks to us through His Word. He warns us when thoughts and feelings are out of rhythm with God’s best for us. The conviction we wish away is actually the blessing of our monitor in action. It sends the needed warning signals, and when heeded, it saves our lives.

Friend, let me share with you the importance of listening to your heart. No interruption or warning is too small to ignore. We are not designed to try to carry everything alone. We are not designed to push ourselves beyond healthy limits. God created our bodies and our souls on purpose for a beautiful purpose.

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