Friday, August 12, 2022

Just Because


It was early- very early, as I laced up my tennis shoes and headed out the front door. Where I live, the only other living creature I meet on my morning walk is an occasional deer, or armadillo (which I do not particularly enjoy), and my faithful side-kick Momma Kitty. These are my absolute favorite moments of the day. Just Jesus and me. A good praise song, hands in the air worship-yes, this describes my kind of workout. Jesus and I certainly do work a number of things out during these early morning moments.

This particular morning, my Momma heart was heavy. Weighed down with a few worries and prayers over the four children we are called, and blessed to raise. As I stepped off the porch, I told the Lord, “Ok- God- today I REALLY need to hear from you. I need to see you. I need to KNOW you are listening. Just as my feet hit the gravel driveway, something caught my attention. I squinted to see. What in the world was it? I walked a little closer and was literally caught by the most splendid sight.

A bouquet. A literal bouquet of the most beautiful lilies was waiting for me. Later in the day, I texted a picture to my Mom. She said, “Oh, those are surprise lilies.” What a fitting name- God certainly surprised me! He even arranged them in perfect bouquet form. The only thing missing was a vase around them- but who needs a vase? I froze. I was stunned. The night before nothing was there, or at least, I didn’t think so! Then, it hit me. This was no random bouquet. It was God’s bouquet to my weary heart. He planted it right there for that very moment just for me to see Him. To hear Him. To KNOW He was listening. Now, you might not think this is possible. I might wonder myself if I had not personally experienced it. But here is what I do know. Nothing is impossible with our God.

He goes to great lengths to show us how much he cares and loves us. No detail, or worry, or tear goes unnoticed. It is in the small reminders that we sometimes see and hear Him the most. He prefers to speak in that still, small voice. That is why he reminds us to “Be still and Know He is God.” In the stillness of the early morning, He sends a beautiful gift…Just Because.   

Have you ever experienced a “Just because” moment with God? Please share it in the comments.

It might be just the encouragement someone else needs most!

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