Sunday, February 6, 2022

Did You See That?


“Momma, did you see that?” This has been the phrase of choice for our little Chace lately. At first I didn’t really notice it, until this past weekend. I was asked the question what seemed like one hundred times! It really caught me off guard. At first, my response was, “No, baby- I didn’t see it.” But then, I started paying very close attention. It shifted my focus from what I was doing to what Chace was watching, seeing and playing. I began intentionally watching throughout the day to make sure, when tested by my two year old, I could truthfully answer, “YES! I did see it!”

Wow..what a lesson! What began as a simple Saturday morning game, transpired into a much more intentional way of living for me. Of noticing. This morning, during my prayer time, it occurred to me the reason behind the lesson. I posted this on my Facebook page:

A sweet reminder to freeze frame moments today. Notice details of every conversation with children, your spouse, a coworker, friend and even stranger.

Make eye contact. Smile..Put aside distraction..really notice.

Each conversation and encounter is one of a kind.

May we live intentional lives today. Life is precious. Relationships are dear. Moments are fleeting.


“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” –Psalm 90:12

What if we really practiced what Psalm 90:12 encourages? How would our lives change? How much wisdom would we gain?

I know God’s Word is clear. God says what He means and means what He says. Hidden in this verse is a promise of a life transformed and a life filled with sacred wisdom. We learn from circumstances and encounters with people. I was once given a valuable piece of advice from a wise friend. "Treat every conversation like it is the most important one." Engage and listen for hidden lessons. Some conversations are short and seem irrelevant to our day. However, as a child of God, we know He is directing our steps. He is strategically directing our walk and placing people in front of us. For a reason.

I pray, we make it our intention to notice, to learn, to help and to number our days. We never know when it could be our last day. Make sure those you encounter today know how much you cherish them. Don’t wait to share words of encouragement. Tell them what they mean to you. Thank them for serving you. And by all means, be ready when asked, “Did you see that?”

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