I secure the leash, and brace myself as the gate swings open. Our nearly 50 lb "puppy" comes barreling at me. He tugs, he pulls, he jumps and claws. He is determined. But, so am I. We spend about the first 15 minutes determining who is boss. Just about the time both of our wills are at the breaking point, he surrenders and falls into step beside me. I take him all over our hill. I let him roll and play in the grass and enjoy moments of safe freedom. We laugh and play. I scratch his belly, which he loves, and we have the best time. I explain to him, if he would surrender sooner, the other 15 minutes spent fighting could have been so much more pleasant and beneficial. It is in that moment, God speaks to my heart.
I admit, I have places of struggle. My strong-will determination to attempt to control the situation. Fighting, wresting, and trying my very best to be free. All the while, God is the one holding securely to what is truly best. Maybe like me, you can relate. Our walk with Jesus becomes so much sweeter when we cease the striving and simply walk with Him. One. Surrendered. Day at a time. What if, just for today, we surrendered our will to God's will and chose to simply live in peace? Doing the next right thing. Choosing to pray instead of worry. Intentionally setting our minds on the good, and taking captive every thought that brings defeat. Just for today, what if we let go of all the worry over future "what ifs" and simply rested in the here and now? I am convinced, our walk today will be so much more enjoyable. And, if we make this choice again tomorrow and then the next day... suddenly we have a week of peace, then a month, and then a lifetime. Suddenly, our walk becomes a delight rather than a struggle.
It is true, we cannot control circumstances, but we have the God of everything holding us securely as we walk out these days.
"You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You."
- Isaiah 26:3